Others will write much better tributes to John than I can.
Many will because he has had a huge impact of the socialist left in Ireland and abroad. In his many decades of struggle I only knew him for the last one but like many owe so much to him.
John Molyneux was a fantastic and committed activist. The rare intellectual who was not only a fountain of knowledge but he had tons of patience for those just learning. His Marxism wasn’t a stale academic one but based on action and working class solidarity.
For him the point was to change things and so he threw himself into that goal. John taught me so much and I don’t think I’ll really understand the loss for a while yet.
But it wasn’t just his many books, articles and pamphlets, it was the many chats in the Teachers Club, after demos, in the pub after Political Committes etc.
He would talk about everything and anything of interest to me and anyone else who wanted to fight back.
He remained committed to international socialism to the end and while we are weaker without him the movement is stronger to have had him.
Alongside others John has played a huge role in my education and I hope we can continue to legacy. For an anti-racist, ecosocialism from below.
It’s hard to imagine the movement without him in But while 1968 may have been his start but he didn’t hold to these days with nostalgia, he fought today. La lutte continue.