Category Archives: Poland

Andy Zebrowski, Pracownicza Demokracja (Workers Democracy)

‘I carry his pamphlet in my backpack’

The news of Joh Molyneux’s death came as a shock to socialists in many countries around the world, including us in Poland. John made a very important contribution to what—following the title of one of his pamphlets—we can call the real Marxist tradition.

He explained Marxism with great clarity in a very accessible style, both when he wrote and when he spoke— about everything from the potential reality of a future socialist society to showing what a revolutionary party is and what it isn’t. He was able to locate great artists in their historical time and place, while illustrating what was distinctive about their art. He was always an activist, taking part in, and helping to organise, small pickets as well as big demonstrations. A model revolutionary.

John’s arguments about genuine Marxism are important to socialists everywhere. In countries like Poland, where a few decades ago fake Marxism was in power, they have a particular relevance. We have translated many of John’s writings over the years. They are a great resource for our members, young and old. This is what one of our members, Marek Uchan, said after hearing the sad news of John’s death. “The day before yesterday, while browsing the video list of Marxism 2022, I picked out and watched his presentation on the art of Francis Bacon. I always carry John’s pamphlet on socialism from below in my backpack.”

We last saw John passionately engaging in the International Socialist Tendency online meeting on climate catastrophe and the need for revolution. Personally I have known him since the mid-seventies and always found him warm, friendly and able to argue without animosity.

We send our condolences to all the comrades who knew John, his family and especially his partner Mary Smith.

Andy Zebrowski, Pracownicza Demokracja (Workers Democracy) – the SWP’s sister organisation in Poland