Category Archives: Turkey

Ozan Tekin – Turkey

I was so lucky to be involved in several meetings and other sorts of discussions with a great comrade like John Molyneux.

This one is from Izmir, on a great sunny day in 2014, just before heading up to DSIP’s summer camp with him.

Looks like we were having a serious heated debate on this or that question regarding the liberation of the working class and the oppressed.

He’ll sorely be missed. And we build on his example of a tireless fight for building revolutionary organisations all across the globe.

DSIP (Revolutionary Socialist Workers Party) – Turkey

Inspired by his role

We’re deeply saddened by the shocking news that John Molyneux passed away.

Apart from his invaluable theoretical contributions to the tradition of socialism from below, for dozens of years he’s been a great and consistent fighter against racism, climate change, exploitation and all sorts of ruling class ideas suppressing and dividing the working class.

We are inspired by his role in building the organisations of the International Socialist Tendency in Britain, Ireland and all over the world.

Many new generations of socialist activists will have a lot to learn from his writings on Marxist theory, defending the centrality of the working class in order to bring real social change and building a revolutionary organisation in this regard.

We wish to communicate our condolences to his partner, family, friends and comrades.

Warmest revolutionary greetings from Turkey,


Yasin Altıntaş

İlk kez konuşmacı olarak katıldığı istanbul’daki bir toplantıda tanışmış ve sonrası da ayaküstü sohbet etme imkânı bulmuş olduğum 68 kuşağının son temsilcilerinden John Molyneux vefat etmiş.

Birkaç konuşmasını dinledikten sonra kendisini sosyal medya üzerinden takibe başlamıştım.

Marksizm’in güncele aktarılması için teorik çalışmalarının (kitap, makale ve söyleşiler) yanında özellikle Avrupa’da yayılanan Irkçı ve İslamofobik dalgaya karşı ve yayılan küresel hegemonyaya karşı hep alanlarda ön saflarda duran birisi olduğunu gözlemledim. Belki de bu yüzden daha kıymetli bir insandı ve vefatının toplumsal mücadeleler için büyük bir kayıp olduğunu düşünüyorum.

One of the last representatives of the 68th generation whom I met at a meeting in Istanbul where he attended for the first time as a speaker and then had the opportunity to talk to on foot, has passed away.

I had started following him on social media after listening to few of his speeches.

Besides his theoretical studies (books, articles and interviews) for the current transfer of Marxism, he is a person who is always on the front lines in areas against the Racist and Islamophobic wave spreading especially in Europe and against the spreading global hegemony I’m weak. Maybe that’s why he was a more valuable person and I think his death is a great loss for social struggles.